The Canadian government has recognised books as an essential good to be made accessible to the Canadian population. The President of ANEL, Geneviève Pigeon, welcomes this new change, stating that “reading contributes to the development and growth of critical thinking, it can prevent mental health problems, and it cultivates a sense of belonging, whether cultural or community. A book is often a gift that we give ourselves, or that we like to give to our loved ones.”

This change will come into force from December 14, 2024 until February 15, 2025 and will be added to a list of exemptions already applied in Quebec.

Read the original article here.

About ANEL

The Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL) brings together the vast majority of French-language publishing houses in Quebec and Canada. Its mission is to represent and support its members in order to promote the health of Quebec and French-Canadian publishing as well as the influence of books and creators on a national and international scale. The Association’s member publishing houses publish various types of works, from novels to school textbooks, essays and children’s books.