Invited by the International Publishers Association (IPA), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and Bertelsmann, the four publishers came from Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates. They presented their home-grown innovations to the delegates, who are attending the 34th sitting of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR), in Geneva.
FEP and Bertelsmann have developed similar events in Europe, so this event aimed to highlight the fact that creativity is enhanced by copyright everywhere in the world.
IPA Secretary General José Borghino said: ‘The SCCR is where diplomats debate a range of issues that could directly impact publishing. Copyright limitations and exceptions for educational and research institutions are among the most contentious SCCR agenda points, so it is very important to us that the delegates are mindful of publishers’ frontline contribution to pupils’ educational performance as they make the decisions that will define a legal instrument resulting from the SCCR.’
The publishers, who are all IPA members through their own national publishers associations, delivered five-minute presentations before demonstrating their technologies in an up-close ‘show and tell’ setting.
They are:
Brazil – Cayube Dias Galas, Foreign Languages Editorial Manager at FTD Editora.
Cayube presented ‘Faça’, a series of resources for Brazilian primary students and teachers that is changing the way the school community perceives and relates to educational materials.
Mexico – Rodrigo Cosío Guerra, Communications & Marketing Manager at UNOi.
Rodrigo explained how his company offers an educational transformation model for schools in Mexico and wider Latin America.
South Africa – Brian Wafawarowa, Executive Director Learning Services at Pearson.
Brian, who is a member of the IPA Executive Committee, presented ‘Test & Improve’, a South African system for monitoring pupil performance that also makes didactic recommendations. He also showcased ‘Eneza’, an interactive Kenyan-built platform that tracks learning while enabling peer interaction and personalized tutorial guidance.
United Arab Emirates – Malak Obeid, Manager and Editor, Horouf.
Malak introduced ‘Horouf’ and ‘Qartoos’, two apps that complement Horouf’s Arabic language learning materials through personalized content and gamification.