Indonesia International Book Fair, Jakarta

IIBF is an annual book exhibition organized by IKAPI. It was established in 1980 under the name of Indonesia Book Fair (IBF). To reach a bigger audience, in 2014 Indonesia Book Fair became Indonesia International Book Fair (IIBF) with Saudi Arabia as its first Guest of Honor country, followed by South Korea in 2015 and Malaysia in 2016.
Indonesia International Book Fair

Indonesia International Book Fair (IIBF) will be held at Cendrawasih Hall, Jakarta Convention Center on September 25-29, 2024.

IIBF is a mix of B to B and B to C book fair, and it is enriched by some cultural and educations programs. IIBF helps participants to meet the goals and to meet potential business partners. IIBF is not just a book fair, it’s a book affair!