Unable to travel due to illness, Pansa was covered by IPA Past-President, Ana María Cabanellas, who delivered a well-received keynote speech for CONTEC in which she underlined the vital role that publishers can play in societies when achieving the Sustainable Development Goals both through the books we publish and the way we conduct our business as publishers.
Artificial intelligence was on many people’s minds at the fair and was one of the issues raised during the meeting of the GIE. Also on the agenda was data and statistics where IPA is working with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC) to improve the collection of data about publishing markets in Latin America.
The Latin American EPF meeting also saw Cabanellas deliver a speech on behalf of Pansa where she focused on the 3 key preconditions for quality educational resources – collaboration, choice and local solutions. The attendees discussed the pressure on educational publishers in some markets where local governments are seeking to increase their control over educational publishing. The meeting was attended by educational publishers from around Larin America as well as officials from the Argentine Ministry of Education.