Looking at the situation of educational publishing in Korea and the impact of AI, Mr. Joong-li Paul Rho, the CEO of Visang Global Company introduced Alivia, a learning platform which connects one teacher to multiple students through video. This tool aims at enabling teachers to create videos and lesson content whilst simplifying teacher-student interaction in scoring and makes use of Artificial Intelligence to automate correction through voice. This exemplifies the rapid evolution of technology and indicates the changing nature of classroom dynamics.
In session 2 on issues in the UK market, Aoife O’Callaghan-White of the Publishers Association (UK), updated participants on ongoing discussions in the UK education system including the judicial review over the government funded Oak Academy’s provision of free resources. AI is also a hot topic with a consultation over possible changes to copyright law underway.
During the final session on the educational publishing environment in Spain, Managing Director of the Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE), José Manuel Anta, reported on a growing market where the Spanish curriculum has made reading for one hour a day compulsory.
Following the meeting, EPF Chair Brian Gilsenan published some reflections on the occasion of the International Day of Education. You can read those here.
The next EPF meeting (online) will be on Thursday 3 April.