The workshop brought together representatives of Intellectual Property Organizations from a number of francophone countries in the continent and during the second day’s discussions they considered different practical aspects of how they could best ensure remuneration for reprography reached rightsholders in their countries. IPA participated in a virtual workshop earlier in the year where it had encouraged publishers from the region to be actively engaged in their local RROs.
While the session focused mainly on the practical aspects of managing collections and distributions of royalties as well as the legal steps to secure effective mandates for CMOs, there were also discussions on the potential of Artificial Intelligence and how that would effect rightsholders.
After the IFRRO-WIPO meeting, Mr Borghino met with Mohamed Iguerb, the Commissioner of the Salon International de Livre d’Alger, as well as visiting the stands of the Office National des Droits d’Auteur (ONDA) and the Algerian publishers associations at the Algiers Book Fair.