At the inauguration of the New Delhi World Book Fair, Pansa paid her respects to Asoke Ghosh, a long-time supporter of IPA who had passed away the week before the fair.
We were so honoured to have his engagement in the IPA for such a long time. If the relationship between IPA and Indian publishing is strong it is because of people like Asoke who dedicated time to sharing the experience of Indian publishers and relaying the experiences of other publishers in other markets.
I must thank the current FIP general secretary, Pranav Gupta, and your President Ramesh K Mittal for inviting me and for ensuring that we continue to strengthen that connection into the future.
She went on to underline the importance of copyright and an effective legal framework and enforcement regime.
The event ‘Transformative Trends in Publishing’ was attended by Dr. Subhas Sarkar, Union Minister for Education for the Government of India, and Mr. Naveen Gupta, President of FIP. Alongside Ms. Pansa, speakers at the event included Mr. Pranav Gupta, General Secretary of FIP, and Mr. Vikrant Mathur Executive Director Client Leadership of NielsenIQ. The event ‘Transformative Trends in Publishing’ highlighted “industry experts as they delve into the crucial role data plays in shaping publishing strategies, trends, and decision-making,” and shared “insights into leveraging data effectively to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the publishing world.”
In recognition, Mr. Gupta stated: “Ms. Karine Pansa’s exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to advancing literacy and education have been truly commendable. Her efforts resonate deeply with our vision of promoting inclusive and accessible education for all. Her dedication to promoting literacy and fostering a love for reading among children has had a profound impact on communities worldwide. We are honored to recognize her as the Global Ambassador of Publishing & Education.”
Sharing a few words online, Ms. Pansa stated: “This recognition is not just an award; it’s a testament to the collective efforts in the publishing industry. I am deeply touched by the acknowledgment of my dedication to the industry, it is a true honor. A special thank you for the kind words about my leadership being a beacon of inclusivity and diversity. I am committed to continuing efforts to shape the future of publishing worldwide and excited about the journey ahead. Thank you, The Federation of Indian Publishers, for this prestigious award.”