With the session being held ‘in’ Lisbon, publisher Vasco Teixera made a presentation on the educational market in Portugal, providing some figures on the educational system and the textbook programme as well as the state of the digital market. During the Covid-19 crisis, publishers gave digital content away for free leading to an explosion in usage.

Dr Kevin Marshall, Head of Education at Microsoft Ireland, had a conversation with EPF Vice Chair, Brian Gilsenan about platforms and the impact of the Covid-19 crisis as well as of the growing importance of education for Microsoft.

Cristina Mussinelli presented the impact of the European Accessibility Act on educational publishers and the EPF heard updates on developments in the EU and at WIPO as well as a presentation of the IPA’s new State of Publishing reports. 

The meeting closed with a presentation from Rod Smith (Cambridge University Press) on the impact of Brexit on publishers.