WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organisation), under its Publisher’s Circle Programme is undertaking a new initiative, in partnership with APNET (African Publishers Network) to provide a mentorship programme for African publishers. The programme seeks to upskill publishers across Africa to achieve their full potential.
We are seeking Publishers (predominantly Educational, General Trade and Children’s publishers) from around the world who would be willing to volunteer their services for 3-4 weeks, 1-2 hours per week to work with a small group of African publishers on their development plan objectives.
We are seeking mentors who can assist in the following aspects:
- Digital publishing and e-learning (including converting print books to ebooks)
- Publishing Finance
- Model development e.g. subscription
- Marketing techniques e.g. website development and social media presence
- Design
- Editorial / working with authors
- Buying and selling rights
- Workflow management
- Sales strategies (including internationally)
- Ecommerce
Why should you give up your time?
o Working closely with a small group of African publishers (or an individual publisher) will give you a unique insight into this vibrant emerging market.
o You will be sharing what you have learnt with publishers who have little access to publishing training and mentoring.
o You will be contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals which are underpinning the WIPO Publishers Circle.
o You will be contributing to the promotion of book publishing in Africa through capacity building.
To volunteer as Publishing Mentor, please email: wipotrainingprogramme@gmail.com by Friday 14th May stating the areas of publishing you can assist with and specify the proposed duration of training that would be suitable for your organisation.