For those of you new to these conferences, we direct you to our summary of where we ended up last time (in November 2018).
As we have done for the past few SCCR sessions, the IPA will blog about the proceedings at the end of each day, starting with later today.
The SCCR agenda and other papers are available on the WIPO website here. Those of you who have been following these conferences for a while will note that the agenda is a familiar one. The delegates of WIPO Member States (MS) will discuss a possible Broadcasting Treaty on Monday and Tuesday. Then on Wednesday and Thursday, they will move onto the topic of a threatened broadening of exceptions and limitations (E&Ls) for libraries, archives, educational and research institutions as well as for persons with other disabilities than visual ones. Finally, on Friday, there will debates around ‘other matters’ including the possible addition of artists’ Resale Right to future SCCR agendas.
Last week was a huge week for copyright (both good and bad). The decisions taken by the European Parliament and by the South African Parliament are heartening and frightening repectively. This state of affairs continues this week with SCCR in Geneva, a deadline in New Zealand in their copyright review, and the Tom Kabinet case being discussed in the Luxembourg. On top of that, Bologna Book Fair hosts a meeting of the IPA’s Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee as well as the launch of the UN-IPA SDG Book Club.