Data and Statistics News

The first joint IPA-WIPO study is published today. It represents a solid starting point for future studies. We look at some of those results and...

A new report on publishing in Sweden has shown interesting evolutions in the Swedish publishing market with a 1% decline in sales through traditional channels...

The King Abdul-Aziz Foundation has published its third annual report on book publishing in Morocco. The report sheds light on the number of publications,...

The Association of Italian Publishers (AIE) published positive market figures from 2017 with the Italian publishing market increasing 5.8% on 2016 to 1.4 billion Euro....

The Spanish Publishers Association (FGEE), with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Culture has published a barometer of book reading and purchasing habits in...

Book fairs continue to be an essential driver of the publishing business. In an age of video conferencing and digital networking, book fairs are a...

Each year, the IPA produces an in-depth report into the evolution of global publishing markets.


The Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (Spanish publishers association) has undertaken a survey into the country's publishing market, surveying over 300 publishing firms...

The IPA's latest Global Publishing Statistics reveal that readers spend an estimated €114 billion on books per year, with the six largest markets (US, China,...

The French Publishers Association (SNE) has produced a comprehensive economic study of the French publishing market, available to view <a title="French publishing market study" href=""...