Trends and innovation

Wattpad is the world's largest online community of readers and writers. We interviewed Wattpad's Ashleigh Gardner about how the site's growth is creating opportunities for...

With smartphone penetration rates soaring, what can publishers do to kickstart mobile commerce for books? It's one of the questions we asked digital expert Marcello...

Award-winning author Ayu Utami tells us why publishing firms must evolve to remain relevant in the "industry of ideas".


195 publishers have already signed up to Research4Life's groundbreaking schemes to boost access to academic and peer-reviewed content in developing-world countries. We spoke to STM's...

Each month, over a billion people visit YouTube, watching 6 billion hours of video. Now publishers are waking up to the possibilites the channel creates...

Stan Gunn from Edge Ventures has produced a comprehensive guide to market conditions for publishing across the dynamic ASEAN region.


The IPA interviewed pioneering comic-book publisher Patrick Pinchart about crowdfunding models for publishing.


We interviewed Ameena Saiyid, Managing Director of Oxford University Press in Pakistan, about how the conditions for publishing are changing in the country.


With reading habits shifting online and onto portable devices, a new app has launched which uses GPS technology to tell book-lovers if they're in the...

Publishing needs to face up to to its image problem, IPA President YS Chi said during a speech to the UK Publishers International Conference in...