Transcript available here.
Mr. Kolawole elaborates on how the pandemic has hit African publishers and in which way the hurdles might differ compared to publishers in developed countries. While the majority of books in Africa remain print-based, the discussion focuses on the continent’s journey towards digital editions and how APNET supports its members in this regard and in the context of the pandemic. “One thing that was common to all countries is that African publishing has not been prepared for digital publishing. A lot has been said, seminars have been held, to say: that is the next level. People know that this is the next thing, the future, but they don’t know what steps to take,” Kolawole explains.
The interview also explores the visibility of IPA’s Africa Publishing Innovation Fund and how our organization may help our African colleagues in understanding the specific steps which need to be taken in order to make remote learning and e-books a reality for all in Africa, including those in rural and remote areas. “If we are looking at remote learning, we are looking at it not just from the aspect of the way from brick and mortar schools, but from taking learning to those in remote areas”, Samuel Kolawole said.