IPA Editor

Publishers from 68 countries represented by the International Publishers Association call on the Members of the European Parliament to adopt the Copyright Directive currently before them....

The United States of America became the 50thCountry to sign up to the Marrakesh Treaty on 8 February.


IPA is delighted to confirm the ‘Spotlight on Africa Session’ at London Book Fair where details of the programme and speakers will be confirmed. 


Following the postponement of a key meeting on the Copyright Directive on 12 January, there was concern that time was running out for a Directive...

The case of 2018 IPA Prix Voltaire recipient, Gui Minhai, took yet another twist in February as his daughter, Angela Gui, revealed a meeting, brokered...

IPA Secretary General stresses the importance of global publishing statistics.


Following the announcement of the shortlist for the Accessible Books Consortium Excellence Awards, IPA spoke to one...

The short-list for the 2019 ABC International Excellence Award in Accessible Publishing was announced on 11 February. With 3 publishers, and 5 initiatives competing for...