How is the publisher or editor’s work different, compared to the standard publishing model?

This is exactly the same job as a traditional publisher. The big differences are funding, which is achieved through the édinautes and promotion, which is done with their collaboration: édinautes receive special promotional material, we advise them on how to make use of it, we use édinautes to maximize the possibilities of social media. They get posters and flyers to distribute. But the best promotion is still the book that they receive and which they can show off. On the author’s side, once their project is accepted we play the role of teacher and explain how to communicate, how to use social networks, how to use the blog to attract funding. We do this before going live because they have to build a community around them. This continues throughout the duration of the project, and as it’s time-consuming work for the authors, it’s necessary to encourage them, to keep up the pressure and guide them through the process.

But the rest of my work is the same as it was at Dupuis: I get the story boards, I read, I make notes, I talk with the authors, I perform the classic checks. I make presentations to the salespeople; I monitor production, promotion and of course the remuneration of authors and édinautes.

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