This meant less of the diplomatic opening statements and jumping right into a packed agenda.
The Chairs of the SCCR for 2024 and 2025 were confirmed. Adriana Moscoso (Spain) will be SCCR Chair for meetings in 2024, with Vanessa Cohen (Costa Rica) and Peter Labody (Hungary) as Vice-Chairs. Moscoso and Cohen will swap roles for SCCR meetings in 2025.
The Broadcasting Treaty took up the best part of day 1 with a majority of discussion being held in informals (discussions between Member States that can be listened to by observers but not reported). The Chair felt progress was made and would finish his chairmanship by revising the draft chairman’s text to address technical issues.
The second day focused on Exceptions and Limitations with a presentation by Professor Raquel Xalabarder of her Scoping Study on the Practices and Challenges of Research Institutions and Research Purposes in Relation to Copyright. IPA welcomed the study but asked to submit comments. There were also presentations of proposals from the United States of America and the Africa Group before the day shifted to informals to discuss next steps on these agenda items.
The final day shifted to the other matters agenda item with the morning dedicated to Copyright in the Digital Environment including Côte D’Ivoire presenting its Proposal for a Study on the Rights of Audiovisual Authors and their Remuneration for the Exploitation of their Works. The afternoon saw brief updates on work on the Artist Resale Right, Rights of Theatre Directors, Public Lending Right.
For a more detailed summary of events at SCCR 44 see our daily blog posts (links top right)