Other IPA events

IPA is holding a full schedule of Committee meetings as well as open and public events around the 33rd International Publishers Congress in Lillehammer, freedom...

The International Publishers Association (IPA), in collaboration with the Union of Jordanian Publishers (UJP), has announced that its upcoming regional conference will be held under...

IPA conducts a number of committee meetings, open meetings and its General Assembly during Frankfurt Book Fair.


The IPA confirms its freedom to publish programme for Frankfurt Book Fair with an open Freedom to Publish Committee meeting and a seminar hosted by...

On 14-15 June 2019 the second edition of the IPA’s African Seminar series was a huge success in Nairobi with publishing professionals and policy makers...

The emotional ceremony for the IPA 2019 Prix Voltaire was held in Seoul, Korea on 21 June where Khaled Lotfy’s brother, Mahmoud, received the prize...

From the man who has been described as “the father of African publishing” to the young winner of the Global Teacher Prize 2019, the roster...

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o was confirmed as a keynote speaker among others including the co-founders of Publiseer, Elinor Sisulu, and many more at a session on publishing...

The Salon du Livre de Genève has confirmed a Freedom to Publish session in its professional programme under the roughly translated title Censorship: An ever-changing hydra.<br...