IPA Editor

The 2017 presentation of the IPA Prix Voltaire will return to the Göteborg Book Fair, Sweden, 11 years after the first ‘IPA Freedom...

The London Book Fair, which co-hosts the IPA’s annual What Works? educational publishing conference in association with the UK Publishers Association (PA), has...

A group of leading civil society and freedom of expression advocates – the IPA among them – held its second gathering Sunday (26...

The IPA has met with representatives of the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM) and the International Federation of Library...

IPA President Michiel Kolman told a seminar at London Book Fair that Chinese publishing’s inclusion in the IPA had ‘marked an important expansion’,...

Tbilisi 30 March 2017 – Childhood literacy in Georgia will be a primary casualty of a well-meaning but destructive free schoolbook...

The Educational Publishers Forum (EPF) – an influential grouping of world K-12 textbook publishers mobilized by the International Publishers Association in 2009 –...

No one expected US judge Pierre Leval or preeminent American copyright lawyer Jon Baumgarten – respective champions of the ‘for’ and ‘against’ camps...

Delegates at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva are this week deliberating the relationship between copyright and ‘traditional knowledge’, a conversation...

The International Alliance of Independent Publishers (IAIP) has launched a first-of-its-kind study into worldwide threats to freedom to publish and...