IPA Editor

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o was confirmed as a keynote speaker among others including the co-founders of Publiseer, Elinor Sisulu, and many more at a session on publishing...

IPA President Hugo Setzer recently visited Bogotá, Colombia, where he had meetings with IPA member, the Cámara Colombiana del Libro and with the Colombian IP...

The Salon du Livre de Genève has confirmed a Freedom to Publish session in its professional programme under the roughly translated title Censorship: An ever-changing hydra.<br...

In March, WIPO’s Deputy Director General Sylvie Forbin announced the launch of the first mentorship pilot projects within the Publishers Circle initiative.

The European Parliament Plenary voted in favour of the Copyright Directive on 26 March. The vote followed intense campaigning from all sides. Read how some...

The 2019 winners of the ABC International Excellence Award for Accessible Publishing were announced at London Book Fair with EDITORIAL 5 (ED5) of Brazil taking...

At a time when gender balance is a priority for many industries and companies, the publishing industry couldn’t lag behind. Bodour Al Qasimi, IPA’s Vice-President,...

The IPA’s 2ndFreedom to Publish Seminar took place at London Book Fair on 12 March 2019. An enthralled audience listened to the latest developments in...

Distinguished international Intellectual Property Law expert, Professor Daniel Gervais, delivered the 2019 Charles Clark Memorial lecture at the London Book Fair, this year.


Following the adoption of the Copyright Directive by the European Parliament plenary on 26 March, IPA President welcomed the result and congratulated European publishers for...