IPA President, Karine Pansa, was involved in a number of sessions during the professional days prior to and during the São Paulo International Book Fair....
شاركت رئيسة اتحاد الدولي للناشرين، كاريني بانسا، في عدد من الجلسات خلال الأيام المهنية التي سبقت معرض ساو باولو الدولي للكتاب وخلاله على محو الأمية...
IPA Secretary General, José Borghino, joined UNESCO members states and observers cross three days (7-9 February) for the first-ever UNESCO Conference on Education Data and...
The webinar, held on 21 February for IPA members, was offered in partnership with our members the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), Syndicat National de...
IPA's Copyright Committee has endorsed a position on generative AI & copyright, which had been developed by the IPA's Copyright Policy Working Group. The position...
IPA can’t wait to be back at London Book Fair. We have a packed week of meetings and sessions during the fair covering global trends,...
The International Publishers Association (IPA) has officially launched its revamped website with a refreshing design that organizes information with clarity and precision....
We may indeed regard the Berne Convention as one of the great charters of literary liberty; it has directly and powerfully influenced all legislation touching...