IPA Secretary General, José Borghino, joined UNESCO members states and observers cross three days (7-9 February) for the first-ever UNESCO Conference on Education Data and...
Sustainability will be at the forefront at the London Book Fair through panel discussions, keynotes and workshops, as well as the Opening of the Second...
El viernes 2 de febrero, el Foro de Editores Educativos de la Unión Internacional de Editores recibió al Sr. Andreas Schleicher, Director de la Dirección...
On Friday, February 2nd, the International Publishers Association's Educational Publishers Forum hosted Mr. Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills at the...
The Mexican Publishers Association, CANIEM, recently filed a lawsuit against the Federal Government, because of the abrupt cancellation of the regulations for the selection, acquisition...
تعرَّض توزيع الكتب المدرسية في ساو باولو للتهديد بسبب القرار المفاجئ بالانسحاب من البرنامج الوطني للكتب المدرسية. ألغى أمرٌ قضائيٌّ صادر عن محكمة العدل في ساو باولو قرارَ الولاية؛ ممَّا أدَّى إلى ارتياح الطلاب، والمعلمين، والناشرين على السواء....
The distribution of textbooks in São Paulo was threatened by the sudden decision to withdraw from the National Textbook Program. A court order from the...
La fourniture des manuels scolaires à São Paulo était menacée par la décision soudaine de l’État de se retirer du programme national pour manuels scolaires....