IPA Editor

• Seizure of Gui Minhai flouts the rule of law and the publisher’s human rights.
• IPA joins calls for immediate clarity on the...

The International Publishers Association (IPA) today announces the shortlist for the 2018 IPA Prix Voltaire, which rewards exemplary courage in upholding the freedom to publish...

The International Publishers Association has thrown its full support behind US publisher Macmillan and its CEO, John Sargent, for their firm stand in the face...

On 29 October 2017 a new book appeared on the shelves of bookstores in Johannesburg, South Africa....

In July of this year, the Trump Administration unveiled its goals in renegotiating the NAFTA agreement. In a detailed document, the USA government presented its...

Since 27 June 2013, the date of its adoption, 33 countries have signed on to the Marrakesh Treaty. One year after...

The IPA has always stressed the need for capacity building of the publishing and creative infrastructure in developing nations, and Africa is a continent where...

The November meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organisation’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) was as intense as always. But the week-long...