The event mixed local and international speakers from across the book sector and was closed by the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
IPA President, Karine Pansa delivered an opening keynote where she shared her enthusiasm for the future of books and publishing while recognizing some of the challenges the sector is facing and where the sector can do better. She highlighted the vital role publishers play in education and how issues such as diversity and inclusion, and sustainability, can be looked at in terms of the books we publish but also the way we conduct ourselves as business. You can read Karine Pansa’s speech in Portuguese here.
Also speaking was the Chair of IPA’s Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee who spoke with Jeanine Cummins, the author of American Dirt, which had been released to success and controversy. They spoke about who has the right to tell which stories and the pressures authors and publishers can face. You can read Michiel’s blog on his discussion here.
Rachel Martin, also spoke on stage with António Redondo, CEO of The Navigator Company (Portugal) about the sustainability of book publishing and the different considerations needed if we are to contribute to achieving net zero. You can read Rachel’s blog on her discussion here.
The two-day event was a great success. Our congratulations to APEL.