The programme included 15 top-level speakers, presenting original research and analysing whether the tech solutions being touted today in education actually worked.

Over 150 attendees from 24 countries heard from representatives of the World Bank, the OECD, UNESCO and the European Commission as well as publishers, policy makers, cutting-edge researchers looking at how best to deliver different kinds of information in a classroom for maximumeffect, and teachers who talked about what resources they most needed. Education is a strategic concern for all governments and the interest generated by this conference has encouraged the IPA to put on a second international education conference in 2014.

Papers, in order of presentation, from the IPA’s 1st International Education Conference, ‘What Works?’:

Pablo Zoido, analyst – Indicators and Analysis Division, OECD;

Michael Trucano, Senior ICT & Education Policy Specialist, World Bank;

André Tricot, Professor, South Pyrenees University for Teachers’ Education;

Maria Langworthy, Founder & Principal, Langworthy Research;

Catherine Lucet, Chief Executive, Nathan/Editis;

Francesc Pedró, Head of Teacher Developement & Education Policies, UNESCO;

Tim Oates, Group Director, Assessment Research & Developement, Cambridge Assessment;

Heikki Karjalainen, Teacher.