فتحت جائزة ABC الدولية للتميُّز في النشر المُيسَر ترشيحاتها لعام 2024. تُكرِّم هذه الجائزةُ الناشرَ ومبادرةَ المشروع التي تُظهِر قيادة وإنجازات استثنائية في تعزيز إمكانية...
The ABC International Excellence Award for Accessible Publishing has opened its nominations for 2024. This award honors both a publisher and a project initiative demonstrating...
El Premio ABC Internacional a la Excelencia en la Publicación Accesible ha abierto sus nominaciones para 2024. Este premio honra tanto a un editor como...
In June 2024, for our IPA D&I blog series, I interviewed Nicolien van der Linden, Elsevier’s VP for Research Analytics, about the new Gender Equality...
In June 2023, I interviewed Simone Taylor on the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications as they set about their second Workplace Equity...
Michiel Kolman, Chair of the IPA’s Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee spoke to Dutch PA, the Mediafederatie, on the launch of their D&I initiative/strategy....
On 23 April, the city Strasbourg in France officially became UNESCO 2024 World Book Capital City (WBCC), succeeding 2023 WBCC, Accra, in Ghana. Under the...