
In mid-October 2024, the Copyright Amendment Bill (CAB) and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill (PPAB) were referred to the Constitutional Court for a ruling on...
في منتصف أكتوبر 2024، تمت إحالة مشروع قانون تعديل حقوق الطبع والنشر (CAB) ومشروع قانون تعديل حماية فناني الأداء (PPAB) إلى المحكمة الدستورية للحكم على...

On May 14, the Copyright Coalition of South Africa welcomed the decision by the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on trade, industry and competition that a...

In South Africa, the defective copyright amendment bill (as well as the performers’ protection bill) has been referred back to the National Assembly by President Ramaphosa.
