south africa

In mid-October 2024, the Copyright Amendment Bill (CAB) and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill (PPAB) were referred to the Constitutional Court for a ruling on...
في منتصف أكتوبر 2024، تمت إحالة مشروع قانون تعديل حقوق الطبع والنشر (CAB) ومشروع قانون تعديل حماية فناني الأداء (PPAB) إلى المحكمة الدستورية للحكم على...
From indigenous language publishing to digital platforms, African authors are redefining storytelling for a global audience, according to a British Council report called Publishing Futures...
وفقًا لتقرير صادر عن المجلس الثقافي البريطاني في أكتوبر 2024 بعنوان مستقبل النشر، فقد أكد التقرير إعادة المؤلفين الأفارقة التعريف برواية القصص للجمهور عالميًّا، من...
The Publishers’ Association of South Africa (PASA) has recently unveiled the findings of the South African Book Publishing Industry Survey for 2022-23....
Today, 20 March 2024, the major representatives of authors and publishers around the world, IAF, IPA and STM, and IFRRO, representing the collective management organisations...
Today, the major representatives of authors and publishers around the world, IAF, IFRRO, IPA and STM, are asking members of the National Assembly in South...

Copyright Reform or Reframe?, a monograph published on 20 April by South African publisher Juta, provides a comprehensive legal analysis of most of the new...

The controversial Copyright Amendment Bill D-Bill 2017, passed by the National Assembly on 1 September 2023, will next be tabled in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP),...

On 21 September 2022, South Africa’s Constitutional Court delivered a unanimous decision in favour of Blind SA to allow print-impaired persons access to reading...