south africa

The Publishers’ Association of South Africa (PASA) has recently unveiled the findings of the South African Book Publishing Industry Survey for 2022-23....
Today, 20 March 2024, the major representatives of authors and publishers around the world, IAF, IPA and STM, and IFRRO, representing the collective management organisations...
Today, the major representatives of authors and publishers around the world, IAF, IFRRO, IPA and STM, are asking members of the National Assembly in South...

Copyright Reform or Reframe?, a monograph published on 20 April by South African publisher Juta, provides a comprehensive legal analysis of most of the new...

The controversial Copyright Amendment Bill D-Bill 2017, passed by the National Assembly on 1 September 2023, will next be tabled in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP),...

On 21 September 2022, South Africa’s Constitutional Court delivered a unanimous decision in favour of Blind SA to allow print-impaired persons access to reading...

In the context of the sixth European Union - African Union summit, the Federation of European Publishers organized in collaboration with IPA two online events...

On 11 and 12 August extensive hearings were held in the Portfolio Committee of Trade and Industry in the South African Parliament, after a call...

On May 14, the Copyright Coalition of South Africa welcomed the decision by the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on trade, industry and competition that a...

On March 11, the IPA Copyright Committee met online for the first time ever. We would like to thank our members for attending the meeting,...