IPA Editor

The European Commission has published a notice to stakeholders outlining the international treaties that will govern the EU-UK relationship in terms of copyright post-Brexit.


The first joint IPA-WIPO study is published today. It represents a solid starting point for future studies. We look at some of those results and...

Libraries and publishers both play an essential role in the production of, and the provision of access to, creativity and knowledge. In their pursuit of...

Jennifer Clement's Keynote Speech at the 2018 IPA International Publishers Congress



The latest edition of WIPO’s newsletter looks at the application of blockchain technology to IP rights. Could blockchain be used beyond crypto currencies?

Following a record number of nominations from different continents, the shortlists for the 2018 ABC International Excellence Awards in Accessible Publishing were announced on February 23rd....

The DAISY Consortium has launched a new tool, Ace, to help publishers and others in the publishing value chain evaluate whether their EPUB documents meet...

A new report on publishing in Sweden has shown interesting evolutions in the Swedish publishing market with a 1% decline in sales through traditional channels...

The King Abdul-Aziz Foundation has published its third annual report on book publishing in Morocco. The report sheds light on the number of publications,...