Book policy

IPA had a packed first day at Frankfurt Book Fair 2023 – Copyright, Freedom to Publish, Sustainability and a special event in the evening....
Any discussion around the future of reading, must recognize the critical role sustainability and our global ambition to become net zero must play in how...
The 8 September marks UNESCO’s World Literacy Day. The theme chosen by UNESCO for this year is Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building...
No one gets to net zero by themselves. We all recognize the need to work together across the entire book value chain to make our...
Arthur Thompson and Martin Klopstock of Kogan Page share their thoughts on the evolution of accessibility following the publication of EPUB3.3....
On 23 April, the world celebrates books, in the words of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), as "one of the most beautiful...
La agenda de la UNESCO en este Día Internacional de la Educación 2023 es "invertir en las personas, priorizar la educación". Sé a lo que...
The theme for UNESCO’s 2023 International Day of Education is ‘to invest in people, prioritize education’. I know what UNESCO Is getting at, but I...
Our charity, Book Aid International, works for a world where everyone has access to books that will enrich, improve, and change their lives....