
The European Parliament Plenary voted in favour of the Copyright Directive on 26 March. The vote followed intense campaigning from all sides. Read how some...

Distinguished international Intellectual Property Law expert, Professor Daniel Gervais, delivered the 2019 Charles Clark Memorial lecture at the London Book Fair, this year.


Following the adoption of the Copyright Directive by the European Parliament plenary on 26 March, IPA President welcomed the result and congratulated European publishers for...

Publishers from 68 countries represented by the International Publishers Association call on the Members of the European Parliament to adopt the Copyright Directive currently before them....

The United States of America became the 50thCountry to sign up to the Marrakesh Treaty on 8 February.


Following the postponement of a key meeting on the Copyright Directive on 12 January, there was concern that time was running out for a Directive...

As working writers, translators, photographers, and graphic artists; as unions, organizations, and federations representing the creators of works included in published books; as book publishers;...

Professor Daniel Gervais will deliver the Charles Clark Memorial Lecture at The London Book Fair on Tuesday 12th March 2019, focusing on the changing role...

The second day of the 38th session of the WIPO SCCR, began with the regular meeting the IPA organizes on Tuesday morning for the representatives...

With European Parliament elections approaching, the heat is on if the European Union’s Copyright Directive is going to be adopted before the end of the...