
Jessica Sänger, Chair of IPA's Copyright Committee, moderated a session with Giulia Marangoni, Peter Schoppert, and Sebastian Posth to discuss prominent questions on content protection...
The education publishers’ section of IPA’s French member, Les Editeurs d’Education, hosted the latest meeting of IPA’s Educational Publishers Forum (EPF) with a theme ‘ArtificiaI...
IPA President, Karine Pansa, paid tribute to Raúl Padilla López, the former President of the fair, and underlined IPA's support for Mexican publishers' freedom to...
Le deuxième SCCR de 2023 a été bref, ne s’étendant que sur trois jours, au lieu des cinq jours habituels. ...
La segunda sesión del Comité Permanente de Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos (SCCR) de 2023 fue breve, tan solo 3 días en lugar de...
The final day of this shortened SCCR saw blue skies over Geneva. The discussions in the plenary shifted to ‘Other Matters’ but with breaking news...
The 44th Session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) continued on its second day with the conclusion of its agenda item...
A damp Geneva welcomed delegates to the 44th Session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR). ...