Educational Publishing

With discussions over the Copyright Directive proposal hotting up in the EU, Content 4 Education has been launched.


The IPA’s Educational Publishers Forum (EPF) continues to strengthen its presence in Latin America.


A fascinating new report commissioned by the UK Publishers Association demonstrates the value of textbooks and education publishers.


The IPA has always stressed the need for capacity building of the publishing and creative infrastructure in developing nations, and Africa is a continent where...

On Friday, 13 October 2017 at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Educational Publishers Forum held its annual open meeting. Despite the date, we had no...

The IPA-led Educational Publishers Forum (EPF) has pledged its full support for an ambitious World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) plan to bolster the...

Educational publishers from around the world showed delegates at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) today how copyright has enabled them to invest...

The London Book Fair, which co-hosts the IPA’s annual What Works? educational publishing conference in association with the UK Publishers Association (PA), has...

Tbilisi 30 March 2017 – Childhood literacy in Georgia will be a primary casualty of a well-meaning but destructive free schoolbook...