Freedom to Publish

With reading habits shifting online and onto portable devices, a new app has launched which uses GPS technology to tell book-lovers if they're in the...

The IPA has expressed serious concern about Apple's decision to ban the sale of a French novel because of its cover art.


Ihar Lohvinau (pictured) from Belarus and the Afghan PEN Centre have been included in the short list for the 2014 IPA Freedom to Publish Prize.


We can reveal two more short-listed nominees for the 2014 IPA Freedom to Publish Prize: Irina Balakhonova from Russia and Myay Hmone Lwin from Myanmar.


The IPA calls on the Chinese authorities to immediately release Yao Wentian, a 73 year-old publisher who has been detained without trial since October.


The IPA Freedom to Publish Prize is awarded every 2 years for exemplary courage in upholding freedom of expression and freedom to publish.


Ola Wallin, the IPA's new Freedom to Publish Committee Chair, has highlighted Turkey's failures to protect freedom of expression and freedom to publish, calling attention to...

The 2014 IPA Freedom to Publish Prize will be awarded during the 30th IPA Congress to be held in Bangkok on 25-27 March 2014.


IPA found widespread censorship in Nigeria, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. In submissions to the UN Human Rights Council, the IPA recommended ways to support the governments...