Freedom to Publish

The 8 September marks UNESCO’s World Literacy Day. The theme chosen by UNESCO for this year is Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building...
A great session on the Freedom to Publish, titled "Pressure on Publishers: Challenging norms and navigating controversy," will be offered as part of IPA's programming...

A great session on the Freedom to Publish, titled "Pressure on Publishers: Challenging norms and navigating controversy," will be offered as part of IPA's programming...

منعت تايلاند كتابًا من المُقرَّر صدوره بعنوان "راما العاشر: النظام الملكي التايلاندي في عهد الملك فاجيرالونجكورن"، للمُحرِّر بافين تشاتشافالبونجبون، قبل نشره. ويمنع الحظرُ المُعلَن في مجلة "رويال غازيت" طلبَ الكتاب واستيراده؛ بسبب مخاوف حكومة تايلاند من التشهير بالعائلة المالكة....

Thailand has banned a forthcoming book titled "Rama X: The Thai Monarchy under King Vajiralongkorn" by editor Pavin Chachavalpongpun before its publication. The ban, announced...

Tailandia ha prohibido un próximo libro titulado "Rama X: La Monarquía Tailandesa bajo el Rey Vajiralongkorn" del editor Pavin Chachavalpongpun antes de su publicación. La...
La Thaïlande a interdit avant sa publication le livre « Rama X: The Thai Monarchy under King Vajiralongkorn » (Rama X : la monarchie thaïlandaise...

On Friday, June 2, the Association of American Publishers (AAP), Penguin Random House, Candlewick Press, Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, Macmillan Publishers, Scholastic Inc., and...

The second edition of the World Expression Forum (WEXFO) features a stunning line-up of speakers and will include the Prix Voltaire ceremony as well as...