international publishing industry

The first edition of the three-day Chennai International Book Fair (CIBF) took place from 16-18 January in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India) with IPA Vice President,...

IPA President Bodour Al Qasimi, Vice-President Karine Pansa, and Secretary General José Borghino attended the recent Guadalajara International Book Fair (26 November to 4 December...

Karine Pansa (Girassol Brasil Edições, Brazil) confirmed as President-elect of the IPA, with Gvantsa Jobava (Intelekti Publishing, Georgia) confirmed as Vice President-elect at third virtual...

Frankfurt Book Fair has opened applications for its two grant programmes – the Frankfurt Fellowship and the Invitation Programme. Deadline for applications is 30 April.


It is no secret that the global publishing industry is facing significant challenges due to soaring demands for raw materials and disruption to supply chains...

International Publishers Association (IPA) President Bodour Al Qasimi returned to Istanbul earlier this month, meeting with the Turkish Publishers Association and discussing key developments at...

Bodour Al Qasimi assures Ghanaian and African publishers of IPA’s continued commitment to boost resilience, build capacity and develop sustainable business models in the industry...