
IPA had a packed first day at Frankfurt Book Fair 2023 – Copyright, Freedom to Publish, Sustainability and a special event in the evening....
Michiel Kolman, Chair of the IPA's Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee spoke to Dan Conway, CEO of the Publishers Association (UK) about their Inclusivity Action...
In September, one of the most significant book events in Brazil took place, the Rio de Janeiro Book Fair (Bienal do Livro do Rio de Janeiro)...
Books are playing a major role in spreading ideas, enriching the culture and turning our democracies into flourishing debated places....
No one gets to net zero by themselves. We all recognize the need to work together across the entire book value chain to make our...
On June 21st, the Mexican Association for Intellectual Property Protection (Asociación Mexicana para la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual) celebrated the discussion forum “Marrakesh Treaty...
On 23 April, the world celebrates books, in the words of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), as "one of the most beautiful...
When we talk to decision makers about the IPA’s dual policy pillars of copyright and freedom to publish, or about the publishing sector more generally,...