Reading Matters

On 10 October 2023, the Ljubljana Manifesto on the Importance of Higher-Level Reading was published in order to stop the decline of reading ability and...
Publié le 10 octobre 2023, le Manifeste de Ljubljana sur l’importance de la lecture de haut niveau a pour objectif de stopper le déclin de...
في 10 أكتوبر 2023 نُشر بيان ليوبليانا حول أهمية القراءة عالية المستوى لوقف تراجُع مستويات القدرة على القراءة ومعرفة القراءة والكتابة، "حيث تُغيِّر التقنيات الرقمية...
On 16 June during Bologna Children's Book Fair, Aldus Up, the European book fairs network co-founded in the framework of the Creative Europe programme and...

IPA partnered with LitCam and Aldus Up to organise a session at the Virtual 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair looking in detail at our new Reading...

Early bird registrations for the 33rd International Publishers Congress close on 31 December. Check out the comprehensive programme online and find out in our series...