IPA Editor

Publishers have the opportunity to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals both through the books they publish and the way they conduct themselves as...
Diversity and inclusion is an increasingly important consideration in the book sector both in terms of the subject matter of books published andrecruitment within publishers....
The mission of CPNB, Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek (Collective Promotion for the Dutch Book) is to enrich people’s lives by having them read...
The ability to read and to write is fundamental to education and to full and meaningful social, political and cultural engagement....
Publishers value all readers, irrespective of how they access their works, and share the aspiration of those with visual and other impairments for full, simultaneous...
The Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee is chaired by Michiel Kolman (Elsevier, Netherlands) and is made up of 5 sub-committees dealing with accessibility, literacy, diversity...
There are wide range of Non-Governmental Organisations and charities connected to publishing....
There are wide range of Non-Governmental Organisations and charities connected to publishing....
Publishers around the world use a range of service providers to monitor sales and other data about the book sector: e.g. Nielsen BookData, Bowker, others....
Printers ensure books are made to the publishers’ specifications and are a crucial intermediary in the supply chain as the convergence of the publishers’ digital...