Charles Clark Memorial Lecture

The IPA has a public position on copyright and generative artificial intelligence in February 2024 and has organised and co-organised a number of events and...
La UIE adoptó una posición pública sobre derechos de autor e inteligencia artificial generativa en febrero de 2024 y ha organizado y coorganizado una serie...
Day 2 of London Book Fair continued discussions on sustainable development and copyright, with the Charles Clark Memorial Lecture, jointly organized by The Publishers Association...

One of the Copyright highlights of London Book Fair was the prestigious Charles Clark Memorial Lecture. A cooperation between the IPA, FEP, the Publishers Association,...

Day 2 of London Book Fair kicked off in two places for IPA. At the fair, IPA President, Karine Pansa, welcomed the Mayor of London...

In this third extract of his forthcoming book 'The Fifth Quarter Century - The International Publishers Association 1996-2021', IPA Past President looks back at the...