IPA Editor

A founding member, of the ABC board, Alicia Wise (Senior VP for Global Strategic Networks at Elsevier), stood down at the recent board meeting where...

In 2012 Canada changed its copyright law to include education as part of its fair-dealing exception to Copyright. The Copyright Act is now under review...

With a focus on the sustainable development of publishing in Africa, the IPA held its first ever African Regional Seminar in Lagos, Nigeria on 9...

With discussions over the Copyright Directive proposal hotting up in the EU, Content 4 Education has been launched.


The 11th Istanbul Gathering took place on 26 and 27 May. Unfortunately, the current situation in Turkey made it impossible to bring the invited speakers...

Negotiations on possible future international treaties on copyright dominated the last week of May at the meeting of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related...

The IPA is very happy to publish an extract from the contribution by IPA Secretary General, José Borghino, and Chair of the IPA’s Freedom to...

At the London Book Fair’s International Excellence Awards on 11th April, Jacks Thomas, Director of the Fair looked back at his career in publishing, which...

  • Canada an international outlier since its broad exception for educational uses and the ‘legislation through the courts’ that has seen fair dealing equated with “user...