
This week I was in San José, Costa Rica, for a WIPO workshop on the Marrakesh Treaty and the Accessible Books Consortium (ABC), on 13-15...
Occasionally, copyright and the rights of disabled people are framed as somehow incompatible—as though the former may preclude the latter—but to my mind these rights...
Today the SCCR talks ticked onwards to the ‘and persons of other disabilities’ part of the agenda item ‘limitations and exceptions for educational and research...

Educational publishers from around the world showed delegates at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) today how copyright has enabled them to invest...

Educational publishers from Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates will next week demonstrate ways they are changing classroom learning, before international delegates...

No one expected US judge Pierre Leval or preeminent American copyright lawyer Jon Baumgarten – respective champions of the ‘for’ and ‘against’ camps...

Delegates at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva are this week deliberating the relationship between copyright and ‘traditional knowledge’, a conversation...

The Quebec Court of Appeal has authorized a class action by the Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction (better known...

Delegates at The London Book Fair will in 2017 hear two eminent copyright law specialists debate one of the most controversial areas of international copyright...

The IPA has added its voice to those of the Union of Quebec Writers and Writers (UNEQ), the Canadian National Association of Book...