IPA Editor

London Book Fair this year was quickly followed by Buenos Aires International Book Fair (25 April to 15 May) where IPA President, Karine Pansa, was...

On 23 April, in the Ghanaian capital Accra, IPA Vice-President Gvantsa Jobava and Secretary General José Borghino met with board members of the local IPA...

The second edition of the World Expression Forum (WEXFO) features a stunning line-up of speakers and will include the Prix Voltaire ceremony as well as...

IPA’s week in London finished with the 51st meeting of the Educational Publishers Forum. Kindly hosted by Pearson, there were attendees from the USA to...

One of the Copyright highlights of London Book Fair was the prestigious Charles Clark Memorial Lecture. A cooperation between the IPA, FEP, the Publishers Association,...

The 2023 London Book Fair made sustainability a big focus with main stage programming and a dedicated sustainability hub as well as visibility for...

At the London Book Fair last week, accessibility conversations abounded. The European Accessibility Act is bearing down and the publishers who haven’t gotten their house...

Taiwanese publisher Li Yanhe, founder of Gusa Press, has been arrested in China “on suspicion of engaging in activities damaging national security.” IPA is concerned...