IPA President

At the beginning of the month IPA President, Karine Pansa, and Secretary General, José Borghino, both participated in events around the Abu Dhabi International Book...
The 61st Bologna Children’s Book Fair (BCBF) took place from 8th to 11th April 2024 at the BolognaFiere Exhibition Centre with IPA keenly involved in...
IPA President Karine Pansa has been named the Global Ambassador of Publishing & Education by the Federation of Indian Publishers (FIP) at the event 'Transformative...
IPA was present at the Advanced Publishing Institute in New York, USA, the Chennai International Book Fair in India and a meeting of the UNESCO...
Books took center stage in the SDG Media Zone ahead of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, in a session titled “Books as...
La presidenta de la UIE, Karine Pansa, ofreció un discurso retrospectivo sobre los primeros seis meses de su presidencia....
تلقي كارين بانسا رئيسة الاتحاد الدولي للناشرين خطابًا تسترجع فيه الأشهر الستة الأولى من رئاستها....