On 26 January IPA Secretary General, José Borghino, and Chair of the IPA Copyright Committee, Jessica Sänger, both spoke at the ‘Intellectual Property Rights Conference:...
On 10-14 April a senior delegation from the IPA was in Tbilisi, Georgia to participate in three important events: the Caucasus and Black Sea Basin...
The 2022 Charles Clark Memorial Lecture was the closing event at this year’s altered but well-attended London Book Fair at Olympia London. The annual Memorial...
On 7 June, IPA held a webinar under the theme “Protecting the book market: strategies, challenges & best practices on copyright enforcement”. A panel of...
On World Book and Copyright Day 2021, the International Publishers Association (IPA) pays tribute to publishers' unstinting, positive contribution to the world during a year in which...
Despite many countries being in lockdown for a number of weeks to limit the spreading of the COVID-19 Pandemic, governments in Brazil, China, Kenya, India...