Prix Voltaire

The Geneva-based International Publishers Association (IPA) today launches its call for nominations for the 2025 IPA Prix Voltaire for exemplary courage in upholding the Freedom...
On 1 July, Victoria Amelina, Ukrainian author and war crimes documentarist, succumbed to wounds suffered during the bombing of Kramatorsk on Tuesday 27 June....
El 1 de julio, Victoria Amelina, autora ucraniana y documentalista de crímenes de guerra, sucumbió a las heridas sufridas durante el bombardeo de Kramatorsk el...
Le 1er juillet dernier, Victoria Amelina, écrivaine ukrainienne qui documentait également les crimes de guerre, a succombé à ses blessures subies le mardi 27 juin...
A calmer but still bustling Day 3 which was no less important for IPA with the announcement of the 2023 IPA Prix Voltaire shortlist and...

2019 IPA Prix Voltaire laureate, Khaled Lotfy, completed his five-year prison sentence and returned home on 19 November.
