Main news

The International Publishers Association (IPA) announced the shortlist for the 2024 Prix Voltaire, honoring exceptional courage in upholding the freedom to publish. The shortlist was announced at the World Expression Forum held in Lillehammer, Norway. This year's shortlist features five individuals and organizations who have demonstrated resilience and bravery in the face of censorship and oppression, embodying the spirit of the award.
The 3rd edition of the World Expression Forum closed on Tuesday 28 May after a successful two days of discussion about freedom of expression with thousands of young people alongside the delegates. A number of publishers and publishers’ associations were also in attendance.
Faktor-Druk, the Ukrainian printing press and owner of Vivat publishing house has appealed for international financial donations following the destruction of their Kharkiv factory, killing 7, injuring 22 in bombing on 23 May.

The 34th International Publishers Congress

34th IPA Congress logotype

The Mexican Publishers Association (CANIEM) is the proud host of the 2024 International Publishers Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico.

more news & opinions

Turning the tables, Michiel Kolman, Chair of the IPA's Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee, spoke to Publishing Perspective's Porter Anderson about how diversity, equity and...
Supporting publishing colleagues in Türkiye, the International Publsihers Association calls for the Turkish authorities to unblock Wattpad....
The IPA has a public position on copyright and generative artificial intelligence in February 2024 and has organised and co-organised a number of events and...
La UIE adoptó una posición pública sobre derechos de autor e inteligencia artificial generativa en febrero de 2024 y ha organizado y coorganizado una serie...
IPA will have a full programme of open and invite-only meetings at Frankfurt Book Fair this year. We are also delighted to see the Frankfurt...
In June 2024, for our IPA D&I blog series, I interviewed Nicolien van der Linden, Elsevier’s VP for Research Analytics, about the new Gender Equality...
IPA President Karine Pansa recently attended the Beijing International Book Fair 2024. Accompanied by Hugo Zhang, Catriona Stevenson, and Guoyi Zhao from Elsevier, Pansa attended...
La presidenta de la UIE, Karine Pansa, asistió recientemente a la Feria Internacional del Libro de Beijing 2024. Acompañada por Hugo Zhang, Catriona Stevenson y...
IPA Secretary General José Borghino participated in the second edition of the African Publishers Conference which was held in Harare, Zimbabwe on 3-4 June, 2024....
El Secretario General de la UIE, José Borghino, participó en la segunda edición de la Conferencia de Editores Africanos, que se celebró en Harare, Zimbabue,...
The Sheikh Zayed Book Award, one of the world’s leading prizes dedicated to Arabic literature and culture, is open to receive submissions for its ten...
On 13-14 June, IPA Secretary General José Borghino participated in the General Assembly of the Federation of European Publishers in Vilnius, Lithuania....

Book Fairs and Events

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