Data and Statistics

The Australian Publishers Association (APA) has published the findings of its inaugural Sustainability Survey, offering insights into the environmental practices of the publishing industry....
استطلاع الاستدامة الذي أجرته لأول مرة، والذي يقدم رؤى حول الممارسات البيئية لصناعة النشر....
The Publishers’ Association of South Africa (PASA) has recently unveiled the findings of the South African Book Publishing Industry Survey for 2022-23....
Two new studies released this past month in Germany and France provide fresh insights into how young people discover, select, and buy books in today's...
Dos nuevos estudios publicados el mes pasado en Alemania y Francia proporcionan nuevas ideas sobre cómo los jóvenes descubren, seleccionan y compran libros en la...
IPA Secretary General, José Borghino, joined UNESCO members states and observers cross three days (7-9 February) for the first-ever UNESCO Conference on Education Data and...
According to a report provided by the Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (the Federation of Publishers’ Guilds of Spain, FGEE), Spain's book publishing...
A senior delegation from the IPA participated in the Guadalajara International Book Fair in anticipation of the IPA Congress in 2024....
في معرض غوادالاخارا الدولي للكتاب، نُشِر تقريران جديدان يقدمان بيانات عن أكثر من 70 سوق نشر حول العالم: صناعة النشر العالمية 2022 من قِبَل المنظمة...