Hugo Setzer

We may indeed regard the Berne Convention as one of the great charters of literary liberty; it has directly and powerfully influenced all legislation touching...
De hecho, podemos considerar el Convenio de Berna como uno de los grandes pactos para la libertad literaria; ha influido directa y poderosamente en toda...
For the last four years, as Vice-President and then President of the International Publishers Association, I promoted accessible publishing around the world, talking with key...
“The big challenges of the twenty-first century will be global in nature. […] The whole of humankind now constitutes a single civilization, with all people...
Between end of July and early September I had the chance of participating in several important events throughout Latin America....
From 21-24 August I had the chance to attend the Beijing International Book Fair on behalf of IPA....
Why should publishers care? A group of outstanding speakers tried to answer this question during the session I had the honour to chair on “Social...
Just recently, one year after being elected Vice-President of IPA, I was pleased to celebrate another IPA General Assembly during the Frankfurt Book Fair. Read...