Educational Publishing News

La distribución de libros de texto en São Paulo se vio amenazada por la decisión repentina de retirarse del Programa Nacional de Libros de Texto....

The distribution of textbooks in São Paulo was threatened by the sudden decision to withdraw from the National Textbook Program. A court order from the...

تعرَّض توزيع الكتب المدرسية في ساو باولو للتهديد بسبب القرار المفاجئ بالانسحاب من البرنامج الوطني للكتب المدرسية. ألغى أمرٌ قضائيٌّ صادر عن محكمة العدل في...

The 53rd Educational Publishers Forum took place in Madrid on 2nd June with a wide-reaching programme covering national and international policy making, artificial intelligence in...

The Association Nationale des Editeurs de Livres (ANEL) and The Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) have expressed their disappointment at the absence of new investment...

On 22 February the IPA’s Educational Publishers Forum (EPF) held its 50th meeting. As has become tradition since EPF meetings moved online due to COVID,...

On 27 November, the Latin American arm of the IPA’s Educational Publishers Forum held a meeting in Mexico during the Guadalajara Book Fair.
